
Dear Readers,

Thank you for coming to the website for the Cardinal Newspaper at Skagit Valley College. The last two issues of the Cardinal have not yet been published online, and I'm here to tell you that it's for a good reason! We started out by copy/pasting the articles from the paper, along with photos, into the Blogger interface. While this was a practical way to make the articles available, it was a very time consuming process and didn't reflect the energy put into the aesthetic from of the paper.

In this day and age, it is my personal belief that the internet is a more practical, efficient way to traffic news. Printed press is now an art form instead of the artery of mass communication. The art lies just as much in the composition of the printed page as it does in the writing and photography that makes up the heft of the publication. It's personal for me, because that is where most of my energy goes this year. I'm not writing articles or taking (many) photos, but I am spending over 48 working hours on each issue organizing the articles and formatting the layout of the printed pages. So to me, taking the articles and photos out of the page and posting them in a blog post is like taking a Rembrant or Monet and photocopying it.

The news I have for you is that soon, we will have a way to make the entire paper, as designed, available on the web as a PDF file for download and viewing. This site can then become a vehicle for news about the Cardinal's plans and projects as a club, information about the Journalism classes that support our publication, and hopefully supplemental news between publication dates. It is also my intention to provide a forum for interaction with the student body and community, via the comment system on the site.

We want to be part of the experience of attending Skagit Valley College.

Your Editor,

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